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                Qualification & Honor

                For more than 20 years, with the government, development zones, financial institutions, real estate, such as cultural institutions close cooperation of all kinds of social resources, for national and local levels party and government organs, institutions, state-owned enterprises "area along the silk road" center to provide domestic and foreign architectural design engineering services such as thousands of items, finished many remarkable outstanding design projects, and repeatedly won the honor of the Chinese authorities. In 2018, it was awarded "Most Brand Value Design Institution award" by China Architectural Design Yearbook Editorial Committee and World Urban Sustainable Development Association.

                About us

                UAD?founded in 1997, is a construction industry (construction) (road engineering) class a grade a, m..

                What do we do?

                We are responsible for international projects, medical and public buildings, cultural tourism, resid..

                • Consultant
                • Architectural Design
                • Landscape Design
                • lnterior Design
                • Planning Design
                • Municipal design


                UAD is based on decades of work in the field of architectural design, relying on the abundant technical force and rich experience in construction e..
                VER TODDS

                Architectural Design

                As a large and famous architectural design institute with more than 100 registered architects, We have the comprehensive ability to undertake vario..
                VER TODDS

                Landscape Design

                UAD has rich design experience and high integration ability in the field of urban municipal landscape design, tourism ecological zone design, i..
                VER TODDS

                lnterior Design

                UAD interior design team in-depth insight into customer needs, pay attention to the sustainability of place design exploration and practice, throug..
                VER TODDS

                Planning Design

                UAD is Relying on powerful complete professional resources, brought together a group of experienced, professional planning and design elite team, a..
                VER TODDS

                Municipal design

                UAD adheres to the purpose of improving the urban environment and promoting the construction of social public management and service facilit..
                VER TODDS